When you upload a video to Vimeo, you can then embed that video on your website, in emails, on Facebook, or elsewhere. Not everyone likes the default settings for Vimeo's video player, though. If you don't either, here's how to make some changes.
Here’s a break down of what the different options do:
This is the “profile picture” for the account the video is uploaded to. It appears in the top-left corner of the video player, left of the video title.
This is the name of the video, created by you when uploading the video. This appears in the top-left corner of the video player.
This is usually made up of “From: <Your Account Name>”, but not always. This appears in the top-left corner of the video player, just underneath the title.
Here, you can customize the accent color used in different parts of the video player. It will affect the color of the Title, Byline, Like button when hovered over (if button is enabled), Watch Later button when hovered over (if button is enabled), Share button when hovered over (if button is enabled), Fullscreen button when hovered over (if button is enabled), Play button when hovered over, Volume Controls (if controls are enabled), and Vimeo logo when hovered over (if logo is enabled).
This is the “heart” button at the top-right corner of the player. Clicking this button will allow viewers to add this video to their favorites list. It is part of a vertical row of buttons (along with the Watch Later and Share buttons). The order of these buttons depends on what you’ve decided to enable.
This is the icon that looks like a clock in the top-right corner of the player. Clicking this button will add the video to a list of videos that your viewer has decided to come back and watch at another time. It is part of a vertical row of buttons (along with the Like and Share buttons). The order of these buttons depends on what you’ve decided to enable.
This icon looks like a paper airplane. Clicking this button will allow your viewers to send a link to the video to their friends and family. It is part of a vertical row of buttons (along with the Like and Watch Later buttons). The order of these buttons depends on what you’ve decided to enable.
This allows the viewer to make the video go fullscreen on their device.
The Play Bar consists of the Play button, a timeline of the video, the Volume Controls (if enabled), Video Quality selector, and the Vimeo logo (if enabled). If this option is selected, you can then choose to further toggle the appearance of the controls/buttons in the Play bar. If this option is not selected, all controls/buttons in the Play bar are removed, and instead, a Play button appears in the middle of the video.
The Play bar appears at the bottom of the video player, typically taking up the entire width of the player
These controls allow the viewer to adjust the volume of the video. These controls appear in the Play bar (if Play bar is enabled), at the bottom of the video player.
The Vimeo logo appears towards the right side of the Play bar (if Play bar is enabled), which in turn is at the bottom of the video player. This logo links to the video’s page on Vimeo.com (if your privacy settings allow the video to be listed on Vimeo.com).
A custom logo is a logo that you can upload (there are design/file restrictions) that acts as a watermark of sorts. If enabled, it will appear in the bottom-right corner of the video player. If enabled, you will also be given two additional options: